This page will keep the public informed of the processes and status of
the hiring of a permanent Superintendent for th e Montclair Public
Update 12.26.24
The Superintendent job advertisement is now on the NJSBA website. Interested candidates should visit the site below. The deadline to apply is February 10, 2025.
Update 12.6.24
Community Input Session, Jan. 8, 2025

Update: 11.26.24
New Jersey School Boards stakeholder input presentation, "Finding the Perfect Match" (Updated 1.9.25)
Superintendent Search Survey - give your feedback. Survey closes Feb. 10
Update: 11.25.24
New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA) has been retained by the Board of Education as the search consultant to assist in finding a new superintendent. Two representatives from NJSBA, Charlene Peterson and Jeanne Cleary have been hosting input sessions for various stakeholder groups, and we hope you will participate in one of the upcoming sessions for community partners. They will provide a brief overview of the process and then ask for your input, to gain insights about the criteria that should be considered in the selection process of the new superintendent. Your voices are highly valued, and we hope you can join the conversation as the district embarks on the search for the candidate who will be the best fit for Montclair Public Schools.

The input sessions will be held as follows:
Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Time: 7:00PM-8:00PM
Place: Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 8403 0219
Passcode: Search
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,83384030219#,,,,*931051# US
+13092053325,,83384030219#,,,,*931051# US
Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Time: 6:30PM-7:30PM
Place: George Inness Annex - Atrium
141 Park Street, Montclair, NJ
This input session will only be conducted by the New Jersey School Boards Association. There will be no sign-in sheet, and everything said will be confidential. If you are applying for the position, it is suggested that you do not attend.
Update: 7.22.24
As you know, the Board appointed Mr. Damen Cooper as the Interim Superintendent effective immediately. Mr. Cooper will also continue with his responsibilities of the Director of Secondary Education. His expertise as an instructional leader and involvement with the initiatives already in motion at the secondary level will ensure continuation of programs and services.
The Board has decided it will utilize a search firm in the hiring process for a permanent Superintendent. To do that, an RFP for a search firm will be advertised in the coming weeks and a contract may be awarded to the most responsive responsive respondent (price and other factors considered) at the September 16 Board meeting.
The Board, through the auspices of a search firm, will seek community input as the process gets underway. After assessments of candidates, initial interviews, community input, final interviews, and contract negotiations, the process will extend through the winter with a target for appointing the finalist in the spring. Currently, the Board is looking forward to New Jersey School Boards' presentation of the Strategic Plan at its August 12 Meeting/Retreat. We are fortunate to have had a tremendous community response and involvement in the entire process of developing the Strategic Plan.