Bus Rules for Students

1. Be on time for your bus – 10 minutes prior is recommended. 

2. Wait at the designated stop – Stay out of the street and please respect people’s property.

3. Only approach the bus when it comes to a complete stop. 

4. Buckle your seat belt – IT’S THE LAW

5. Sit facing forward, feet in front of you in your assigned seat. 

6. Remain seated while the bus is in motion and during loading and discharging of other student passengers. 

7. Keep your head, arms and belongings inside the bus at all times. 

8. Eating and drinking are prohibited.

9. Keep the aisles completely clear. 

10. Respect the bus property and equipment. 

11. Do not distract the bus driver by loud noises or horseplay. 

12. Be absolutely quiet at railroad crossing stops. 

13. Be alert to emergency warnings and instructions from the driver/aide. 

14. In case of a road emergency, remain inside the bus and wait for instructions from the  driver and/or aide. 

15. If you must cross the road do so at least 10 feet in front of the bus quickly and orderly, and only after checking traffic from both directions and while the red school bus lights are flashing.          

16. Temporary switching of buses or stops for play dates or study dates is not permitted.

17. Remember that the driver can ONLY pick up or discharge students at their authorized stop.

18. NO fighting. Fighting on the bus will not be tolerated. 

Please be advised that any infraction of the above stated rules may result in disciplinary action. This may include bus suspension and/or bus expulsion.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Transportation Department.      
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