Edgemont School Health Office Information
School Nurse: Grace Alfaro, RN, NCSN
Phone: 973-509-4162 x13751
Fax: 973-509-2214
Email: [email protected]
January Health News
When should I keep my child home from school?
Information on Seasonal Allergies
Please contact the health office with any concerns. The following information may address some of the concerns.
Physical Exams: Physicals are required for entrance to elementary school and entrance into 6th grade. Physicals must be on the Universal Health Form. All forms are available for download on the Nurses page of the District website by clicking the Medical Forms link.
Medication in School: All medication taken during school hours must be administered by the nurse or the parent in the health office. There must by medical orders and parental consent for all medications for that current school year.
There is an exception for prescription medication required for a life threatening condition such as asthma, diabetes and severe allergies. On this case a student may self- administer (inhalers, epi-pen, insulin) to avoid a health emergency. In all cases of medication administration, the district requires that both the parent and the medical provider authorizations be current and on file in the health office. These forms are available in the health office and on the district website. This applies to all medications, prescription or over the counter. The school does not administer herbal, homeopathic or dietary supplements.
Treatment of Illness and Injury: For minor discomfort and injury, First- aid and comfort care will be provided. I will contact the parent/guardian if I feel that the situation requires medical attention or cannot be resolved during the school day. Please ensure that the emergency contact information is correct and notify the office of any changes during the school year.
Special Health Care Concerns: If your child has a specific health concern that requires attention in any way, please contact me so that I may support your child appropriately during the school day. All health information is confidential and will only be shared with your permission. This sharing will only be with specific individual’s that are required for your student’s health and safety. Additionally, if there are any changes, please keep me up to date.
Return to School after Injury or Surgery: If your child has an injury that requires attention or intervention, a medical note is required to address limitations to physical activity. All orthotic devises (crutches, boots) require medical orders. All surgical procedures require documentation of clearance to return to school and physical activity.
When to keep your child home
- FEVER: Please take your child’s temperature if there is an indication of fever. If there is a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, do not send your child to school. Fever indicates illness or infection and your child needs to rest to fight this condition and get well. Your child needs to be FEVER-FREE – without any medication to reduce the fever- for 24 hours.
- VOMITING and DIARRHEA: Do not send your child to school if they have been vomiting in the evening or the morning of the school day. Stomach viruses are highly contagious. Diarrhea is not one loose movement but frequent repeated loose stool that puts your child at risk of dehydration.
- SKIN RASH WITH FEVER AND ILLNESS: Please see your health care provider for a diagnosis.
- INFECTED EYE: Red, crusty. “stuck together” eyes with yellow drainage may require antibiotic drops. It may be contagious and your child will infect their other eye, family members, and fellow students as well.
- SEVERE COLD or FLU: If your child cannot function fully and cannot contain coughing or sneezing; resting for a day or two may lead to quicker recovery.
Healthy Habits for School Success
BREAKFAST: The most important meal of the day! They need this brain food and will be tired or have a tummy ache without a good breakfast.
SLEEP: School age children require at least 10 hours a night to support their growth and development. Please let me know if you are having difficulty with sleep. I will try and help.
DIET and EXERCISE: A balanced diet with protein, fruits and vegetables will maximize your child’s health and well- being. Try to avoid excessive amount of sweets and “junk” food. Water is the best for thirst! At least an hour a day of active play or exercise is recommended for children’s health. Try to limit “screen time”.
HAND-WASHING: Hand washing is the most important healthy habit that YOUR CHILD CAN HAVE. It is the most effective way to fight germs- just soap and water and rubbing for the ABC- Alphabet – song duration.
Health Screening
Throughout the year the NJ State Department of Health mandates school screening. Children are screened for height, weight, blood pressure, vision, hearing and scoliosis. Parents and guardians will be notified if any abnormalities are found. The schedule for screening follows:
- Height/weight/blood pressure: grade K-12.
- Vision: Grades K, 2 and 4
- Hearing: Grades K 1, 2 and 3
- Scoliosis: Grade 5
Helpful information for parents:
NJ Family Care- insurance information for children
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
Center for Disease Control information for maintaining children's health